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Unraveling the Mystery: The Enigma of the Eighth Month's Name

Unraveling the Mystery: The Enigma of the Eighth Month's Name

Haven’t you ever wondered why the eighth month of the year is called August? This seemingly simple question has puzzled many for centuries, and to this day, there is still no clear answer. It’s a mystery that has sparked numerous theories and speculations about its origins, leaving many curious individuals wanting to unravel the enigma once and for all.

Skeptics argue that the name August was simply derived from the Latin word, “Augustus,” meaning “venerable” or “consecrated.” However, others believe that there is a deeper meaning behind the name. Some speculate that August was named after the first Roman emperor Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus, while others suggest that it was named in honor of Julius Caesar himself, whose real name was actually Gaius Julius Caesar. Regardless of which theory you believe, the mystery of August’s name has persisted, leaving historians, scholars, and linguists scratching their heads in bewilderment.

If you’re one of those seeking answers to this fascinating mystery or just curious about the origins of the name, then dive in and join us as we peel back the layers of history and mythology to uncover the truth behind the enigma of August’s name. From ancient myths and legends to historical events and cultural practices, this article will provide a comprehensive overview of the different theories that have been proposed over the years. So sit back, relax, and let’s unravel this mystery together!

What Month Is The 8th
"What Month Is The 8th" ~ bbaz


The names of the months that we use today may seem like second nature to us, but have you ever stopped to think about the origins of these names? August, the eighth month of the year, is named after the Emperor Augustus. But why was it named after him? In this blog post, we will unravel the mystery of the enigma of the eighth month's name and compare it to other month names.

The History of August

August was originally called Sextilis, which means sixth in Latin, as it was the sixth month in the Roman calendar. However, when Julius Caesar implemented the Julian calendar, Sextilis became the eighth month. The month was then renamed to honor the first Roman emperor, Augustus, who was born in September but wanted a month named after him.

The Similarities with July

The month before August, July, was also named after a famous Roman figure - Julius Caesar. July used to be called Quintilis, meaning fifth, but after Caesar's death, it was renamed in his honor. Both July and August have 31 days, and their names are derived from prominent historical figures.

The Differences from Other Months

While some months in the Gregorian calendar, such as January (named after the Roman god Janus) and March (named after Mars, the Roman god of war), have clear etymological roots, others do not. For example, September, October, November, and December were originally the seventh through tenth months in the Roman calendar and are named after their numerical order.

Comparison Table

Month Origin Number of Days
January Named after the Roman god Janus 31
February Named after the Roman festival of purification, Februa 28 (29 in leap years)
March Named after Mars, the Roman god of war 31
April Unclear etymology, possibly from the Latin word aperire meaning to open 30
May Unclear etymology, possibly named after the Roman goddess Maia 31
June Unclear etymology, possibly named after the Roman goddess Juno 30
July Named after Julius Caesar 31
August Named after Augustus, the first Roman emperor 31
September Originally called seventh in Latin, as it was the seventh month in the Roman calendar 30
October Originally called eighth in Latin, as it was the eighth month in the Roman calendar 31
November Originally called ninth in Latin, as it was the ninth month in the Roman calendar 30
December Originally called tenth in Latin, as it was the tenth month in the Roman calendar 31

Opinions on Month Names

Some people find it fascinating to learn about the origins of the month names, while others couldn't care less. However, knowing the etymology of words and names can enrich one's understanding of language and history. It's interesting to see how even something as seemingly small as the name of a month can have such a rich backstory. Do you have a favorite month name, or do you find the topic of etymology boring? Let us know in the comments below.


In conclusion, August is named after the first Roman emperor, Augustus, and was originally called Sextilis. It's interesting to note that July, the previous month, was also renamed after a prominent Roman figure - Julius Caesar. While some month names have clear etymological roots, others are more obscure. Regardless of how interested you are in etymology, knowing the origins of the month names can add another layer of understanding to our language and culture.

Thank you for joining me on this journey of unraveling the mystery behind the eighth month's name. It's fascinating how a simple name can hold so much history and significance.

As we've learned, the eighth month was originally named Sextilis, which means sixth month in Latin. However, when Julius Caesar introduced his calendar reform in 46 BC, the new month of Augustus was added and inserted between July and September, pushing Sextilis to the eighth month.

From there, the naming of the eighth month underwent various changes and updates across different cultures and languages. But one thing remains - it is a month that marks the beginning of the end of summer and the start of the harvest season.

So as we move into this eighth month, let us remember its historical roots and significance in our lives today. Let's appreciate the advancements made by ancient civilizations and their contribution to our modern-day lives. Thank you for reading and until next time, take care.

People Also Ask About Unraveling the Mystery: The Enigma of the Eighth Month's Name

1. Why is August the eighth month?

August is the eighth month because it was originally the sixth month in the Roman calendar. However, in 8 BC, the Roman Senate renamed the month to Augustus in honor of the first Roman emperor, Augustus Caesar.

2. What does the name August mean?

The name August means great or venerable and is derived from the Latin word augustus. It was a title given to Roman emperors and became associated with the month of August after the renaming of the month in honor of Augustus Caesar.

3. Why is August called the dog days?

August is called the dog days because it is traditionally the hottest and most humid month of summer. In ancient times, it was believed that the star Sirius, also known as the Dog Star, rose and set with the sun during this time, contributing to the intense heat.

4. What are some holidays celebrated in August?

  • National Watermelon Day (August 3rd)
  • International Beer Day (first Friday in August)
  • National Women's Equality Day (August 26th)
  • Labor Day (first Monday in September, often observed in late August)

5. How many days are in August?

August has 31 days.